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Mid-2024 Lighting Rebate Trends Update

We are supplementing our annual Rebate Trends analysis and webinar with a mid year look at changes in Commercial LED programs. This analysis cover changes in major programs from mid-March 2024 to July 31, 2024. 

The general trend continues. Increases in LED rebates continue to outpace decreases.  We continue to see strong support for LED rebates in the business sector.  The increases in the mid-year's analysis are primarily affecting fixtures more than lamps. 

Downstream/Prescriptive rebate programs (utility customer files the rebate application)

Midstream/Instant rebate programs (rebate is offered at the point of sale by a distributor)

Overall the highest increases topped out at 85%. The worst decreases were at -60%.

The next batch of program changes usually occur in October, around the end of the US Federal fiscal year.  We will provide an update if there are significant changes.